HR Solutions that drive success

The right HR tools can make or break a company. That’s why we cover all the basics and leave your business powered-up for success.

HR Outsourcing

We now offer full-suite HR outsourcing. Contact us for more details!

Asset 1

Employee Documentation

Employee handbooks are necessary resources to have on hand but are time-consuming to read more...

Labor Assessment

Understanding your workforce is critical. We will run a complete analysis of individual read more...

Outsourced HR in Arizona

After several years of consulting independently, Julia Yenny decided to take her extensive knowledge and form her own HR firm that equips organizations with all the resources needed to propel their business to success while following compliance and legal policies simultaneously. Thus, DHRC was born in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. DHRC provides outsourced HR assistance to businesses in need of a fresh employee handbook, onboarding documentation, performance evaluations, or assistance with HR related investigations. Choose an HR firm that cares, is up-to-date on compliance standards, and knows a thing or two about state/government tax. Choose Desert HR Consulting because your success is our top priority.